Heavy rains kill 273 Nigerians and leave more than 710,000 homeless

Heavy rains in Niger have caused the death of some 273 people by drowning or the collapse of their houses, according to the latest official report provided by the General Directorate of Civil Protection.

As of September 4, 2024, the flood situation also reported 710,767 people affected in 94,783 households and 73,582 collapsed houses.

Other material damage was reported, such as the loss of large and small ruminants, the collapse of classrooms, health huts, shops, food, etc.

The regions of Tahoua and Maradi, but also Zinder, are the most affected. In the Zinder region, a provisional report shows 34 deaths, 1,800 households affected, 12,309 disaster victims and the collapse of 1,834 houses and 48,000 residential walls.

In Maradi, Governor Mamane Issoufou visited, on Friday, September 6, 2024, the resettlement site for disaster victims in the city, which provides for the installation of 196 resettlement tarpaulins and protection services.

The distribution of food to disaster victims has already started in t
he municipalities in order to help the population cope with this trying situation.

Source: Burkina Information Agency